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The Dermatology Clinic is structured in 15 offices and support rooms: reception of patients, scheduling, nursing, screening, secretary, phototherapy, clean and contaminated dressings, social worker, psychology, photography, stomatology, mycological diagnosis, minor surgery, collection, checking new cases and the classroom.

The service is divided into 15 sub-specialties:

General and Didactic Ambulatory,
Allergy, Dermatological Surgery,
Child Dermatology, Onychopathies,
Atopic Dermatitis,
Unsightly Dermatoses,
Photodermatosis and Phototherapy,
Stomatology, Hansenology,
Primary and Acquired Immunodeficiencies,
Bullous Diseases,
Cryosurgery and Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

All sub-specialties are coordinated by at least 2 assistant physicians, with the participation of students, residents and graduate students. These units, together, carry out approximately 70,000 consultations and surgical procedures per year.

Click here and see the list of those responsible for each specialty.

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